Sunday, September 14, 2008
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Independence Day
I had a three day weekend for July 4th and I did not do much in the way of patriotic activities. I did not attend a fireworks show or a 4th of July parade, nor did I sing the national anthem, but that does not make me unpatriotic. I believe in independence and I chose to use my freedom and independence to sleep in a bit, finish watching "The Waltons Season 7", cleaning the house, went to the grocery store, etc... We did venture outdoors in the evening and saw some fireworks display over the top of the trees in the yard. I am so grateful and thankful to the men and women who have served and are currently serving to protect our beautiful United States, so that I may continue to cherish the freedoms and choices that I make every day. The Preamble states:
“ We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. ”
I am proud to be an American. God Bless America! Whatever anyone else did to celebrate Independence Day, I hope that it was just as patriotic, or even more so, as what I did. Happy 4th of July!
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1:29 PM
Labels: 4th of July, American Flag, Choices, Freedom, Independence Day
Monday, June 16, 2008
Back in the Saddle (exercise bike)
I had a run in approximatly 3 months ago with a bad reaction to a switch in my blood pressure medication, and as soon as my dr. switched me back to what I was on previously, there was much improvement noted. I also had joined up with a gym membership and got involved with some personal training, but the elliptical machine did a number on me. And then thirdly I was in a car accident, and my knees hit the under the dashboard, and gratefully the x-rays showed it was a contusion of the knee cap. I have not had any more "mis-adventures", so off I went to the gym after work today and worked out for 15 minutes on the recumbent bike, and then did a little circuit training (hip abductor, leg press)...with no ill side effects. Drank plenty of fluids. So I am feeling pretty positive about that. I spoke with one of the managers at the gym, since I had already paid for training sessions and he said that I have 24 sessions available that I can use at any time, even if it is a year down the road. Well, for now I am just going to be doing my "own" personal training.
"Some people refer to Cardiovascular exercise as aerobic exercise, some people even call it 'cardio' for short. All it amounts to is exercises that involve the large muscles like legs and help make your heart and lungs stronger. Cardiovascular exercise has lots of health benefits like lowering your blood pressure, and also it can burn lots of calories - for those of you who want to lose weight.
Cardiovascular exercise is activity involving the large muscles, such as your legs. The word 'aerobic' refers to something that needs oxygen. During cardiovascular or aerobic exercise oxygen gets continuously delivered to your muscles. Outside of exercise, terms like 'aerobic bacteria' refer to bacteria that need oxygen to survive, and 'anaerobic bacteria' are ones that do not need oxygen to stay alive. To give your heart a proper workout you need to make sure that you do your cardiovacular exercise with a certain amount of intensity, but you don't want to overdo it. One way measure the amount of exertion while exercising is by monitoring your heart rate."
So my intentions are to build up my endurance and then hopefully I can get back in to a more extensive workout. My body was not ready for the elliptical today, or tomorrow, but maybe later. Here is a picture of the "mean" machine that made my legs shake like jello, my heart raced like a race horse, dizzy, etc...
Posted by
10:14 PM
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Driving through a local neighborhood, Nature at its best!
I fancied upon this beautiful creature while driving through a local neighborhood in the Dallas area. I think it might be a blue heron. There was just this small pond and this bird seemed to be at home here with a few ducks. I paused to take a picture, because it is not something that I get to see everyday. There is so much development and growth in the surrounding communities, and so it was quite refreshing to catch a glimpse of wildlife in my own backyard, so to speak.
Posted by
3:05 PM
Sunday, June 1, 2008
The Cinnaberry Lady
I had the house to myself today, and I had a pretty good day! No, I did not have any wild parties. Mom and dad flew to Lubbock for the day to see their new grandbaby, and I sent them off with a FlipVideo recorder to bring back some footage of their visit. While the cats are away, the mice come out to play. So, yes I did get a wild hair in me and brightened up my hair a bit with some Clairol Natural Instincts "for healthier, truly natural-looking color & shine with antioxidants and vitamins C&E, No ammonia, non-permanent color." As you can see, I am now the Cinnaberry lady. My day was filled with a bit of organization...filing papers, and feeding the local wildlife (family of raccoons) 3 mothers came tonight to have a bite to eat. Sometimes they bring their rolly polly cute babies, and one mother likes to come bang the side door open and poke her head in the house. I filled out my application for the CCM (Certified Case Manager), and sent off my application processing fee. Hopefully I can take the test in the Fall of this year. The CCM exam is now computerized, and more streamlined than it used to be. Ms. Cinnaberry signing off for now.
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1:19 AM
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Being A Great Aunt
This is an introspective look at the role of an aunt, well not just an aunt...but a Great Aunt, in the eyes of the Great Aunt herself. I wanted to explore the role of an aunt a little further, so I did some research.
"Women are typically studied as daughters, sisters, mothers, or grandmothers. However, many, if not most, women are also aunts. In this study, we offer a preliminary exploration of the meaning of aunts as familial figures. We collected 70 nieces' and nephews' written accounts of their aunts. Thematic analysis of these accounts revealed nine themes, which were divided into two categories. The first category represented the role of the aunt as a teacher, role model, confidante, savvy peer, and second mother. The second category represented the practices of aunting: gifts/treats, maintaining family connections, encouragement, and nonengagement. Our analysis illuminates important aspects of aunts in family schema and kin keeping."- Laura L. Ellingson & Patricia J. Sotirin.
"The modern family system is truly being widened by research into the field of
extended family. Within this expansion, the role of aunt has immerged as an important, yet understudied relationship. Extant research on aunting has been limited to the perspective of strictly the nieces and nephews involved, creating a one-sided representation of the aunt relationship. The current study examines the perspectives of both the aunt and niece, shedding light on the more mutually dependant nature of the relationship. Both aunt and niece make decisions that influence the relationship and together, these mutual choices help shape this unique family dyad. The aunting relationship has the potential to escape the constraints of both the parent and friend roles to develop a unique form of its own."-Mary Louise Berry M.A.
There have been numerous studies completed studying the roles an aunt has in a family. Here I am sitting on the bench in my niece and nephews back yard on Mothers Day 2008, holding my two great nieces Remy and Amelie. I still have yet to hold my great nephew on my lap too. I have not been a great aunt for very long, but so far I think it is pretty amazing that I can "escape the constraints" and "develop a role that is a unique form of its own." I am excited about this role. How could I not be? This is an educational experience, and one that evolves with time. I will treasure the moments of "aunting". I will cherish my role as an aunt with honor and respect providing love, knowledge, guidance, leadership, caring, nurturing, and of course a lot of fun!
Love and Truly, Great Aunt Elizabeth
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8:07 PM
Thursday, April 17, 2008
How Do You Know If You Have Too Many Kitties?
I was browsing the internet and came across this funny video, but it could be a serious issue for some people. So here is a glimpse into the life of a man that might have too many cats? What do you think? Enjoy!
Posted by
9:07 PM
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Pictures of III Forks
Here are some pictures of III Forks restraunt I wanted to share with you. It is like a museum inside. We had to walk up the grand carpeted staircase to the dining room where the Novartis educational program was held. Autographed photos of famous actors/actresses adorn the walls of the inside entrance and up the stairway wall.
Posted by
11:26 PM
I Met DeMarcus Ware!
They say a picture is worth a thousand words! I attended an educational inservice this evening after work, sponsored by Novartis, about treatment of hypertension. Dr. Cook, cardiologist from North Carolina was the guest speaker, and he spoke of aggressively treating hypertension with combination medications whether they be ace inhibitors, beta blockers, or a DRI(Direct Renin Inhibitor), calcium channel blockers, and diuretics. One of the newer medications on the market to treat hypertension is called Tekturna. The inservice was held at the III Forks restraunt, and the food was superb. The other guest speaker of the guessed it, DeMarcus Ware of the Dallas Cowboys! He says he eats 6 meals a day and monitors his food more closely than when he was in college eating 3-4 hamburgers, fries, etc... He stated that he had hypertension in college, but has been able to keep it under control through diet and exercise. He seems like a man of good character, and I am glad that I had an opportunity to hear him speak and meet him.
Posted by
10:55 PM
Labels: "DeMarcus Ware", "III Forks restraunt", Hypertension
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Mystic Blue
Take a good gander at my new Mystic Blue 2008 Saturn VUE XE! Very economical choice gets 22 to 26 mpg on the highway and I believe about 18 mpg in the city. It is a 4 cylinder engine, but it purrs like a kitten. And I love the new car smell. It was time for a SL1 was having its' financial troubles...engine mount was loose, temperature sensor trying to overheat at some point, over 80,000 miles, etc... My new vehicle only has 12 miles on it! I love it already...was thinking about sleeping in it tonight, but decided to sleep in my bed. It is a smooth ride though for 4 cylinders. This is my 3rd Saturn by the way. My first one was a Twin Cam, and then the Silver 2001 SL1, and now the Mystic Blue. Saturn is in my blood and in my heart I guess. They are the "no haggle" people. Here is a photo of me and the salesman "Mike".
Posted by
11:09 PM
Monday, January 21, 2008
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Down To The Last 9 Seconds
It was another edge of your seat game from the comfort of home television watching the Cowboys vs. New York Giants 17-21! And, no, I am not planning taking out a loan for season tickets to the Cowboys game when the new stadium opens in Arlington, Tx. Ask Jerry Jones if someone fell off the turnip truck when he planned his ticket prices? We had the home field advantage with 60,000+ fans cheering in Texas Stadium, but I guess we could not pull it off this year. We really do have a good team with an amazing quarterback Tony Romo; Marion Barber, who can run like an ox and manuever like a hermit crab through the line of scrimmage; Jason Witten; Greg Ellis; Terrell Owens; and many more that without one could not make it happen. I really do not know that much about football, but I know a little more than I did last season. I know that it is good to root for a 3rd down conversion, and I know that a hand-to-face mask with twist action is a 15 yard penalty. There is still a lot I do not know about football like all of the stats. That is okay though. I can still go out and purchase a $74 team player jersey and do the touchdown dance, if I want to. It is what we call teamwork. It is a game...a delicate balance of the players toes, hands and feet, down to the last 9 seconds of 4th quarter. It is life, what you make of it. Live it. See ya next season.
Posted by
9:01 PM
Labels: "Dallas Cowboys", "Tony Romo", football, game
Saturday, January 12, 2008
The Waltons Season 6
"It's a big year for welcomes on Walton's Mountain. Welcome back to John- Boy, visiting from New York, and to Grandma, finally home from the hospital. And welcome to the family for Mary Ellen and Curt's baby boy John Curtis. But all that joy is set against the tragedy of events in the outside world. As the fall of 1939 turns into the spring of 1940, war rages in Europe...and the Waltons are soon caught in its chilling grasp. Curt is called up for duty. Soldiers train on Walton property. The first local enlistee dies. British children flee the Blitz for the safety of the Blue Ridge Mountains. The Depression is ending...but even tougher times"
Finally yesterday, it arrived, in a brown box from! I was thrilled! I am recovering from bronchitis, so this definitely cheered me up! I am itching to get back to watching some more episodes. I was sipping hot green tea with lemon and watching Grandpa, John, Ben, Mary Ellen, Elizabeth, Erin, Jim the episodes last night "Hawk", "Warrior". Such a wonderful masterpiece of shows. I always feel pulled right into the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia right there with them in the center of Waltons Mountain, part of their family. I got hooked on the Waltons when I was channel surfing through cable one day several years back and happened across the show. I was amazed, and wondered how could I have missed such a wonderful show! Well, I am hooked to the Waltons, in fact my whole family is, we are glued to the seasons. I wish there were more quality family shows on t.v. today. Season 7 of the Waltons is due to be released on DVD on April 29, 2008 and I will definitely be putting in my order early for that one as well!
Posted by
2:39 PM
Labels: " the waltons", "the waltons season 6"