No, I never closed anyone up in a bed! When I became a nurse I put on a hat for every profession, and that would entail whatever the situation called for at the time. Sometimes I was a plumber when there was a sewage crisis out into the hallway, I strategically and efficiently evacuated my patient out of the sewage imploded room. I can become downright in charge and the boss when it comes to patients on oxygen and a patient smoking in their room! I quickly took action and confiscated the evidence and informed the smoking patient they could collect their belongings at the time of check out at the nurses station. I realized soon after starting working 12 hour night shifts, that I did not have much time for anything else but being a nurse and essential sleep. I remember one shift we decided to have a potluck meal and so I brought a bag of apples, and everyone laughed and wondered where the apple pie was that I had intended to bring. More stories to come!
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Memory Lane
Posted by
10:50 PM
Monday, August 22, 2011
Catching up, hot weather, promotion, etc...
We are seriously experiencing one of the hottest summers here in Texas we have had in ages, and my town has implemented stage II water conservation phase. We can only water yards on 2 days a week in certain specified time frames. I have been trying to water some to keep the grass from becoming combustible, and also to refrain from recieving an outrageous water bill! I have to keep from falling in the crevices that have developed in the ground....there might be a bat cavern under there!? Someone had e-mailed this weather forecast to me, and it made me laugh, had to share it with you! Guess I had been away from blogging longer than I thought. Been busy though. I am working in Home Health now and enjoying it despite the driving. I was just recently promoted to Alternate Director of Nursing! Will fill you in more on that later. Must run for now.
Posted by
10:02 PM
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Cool Weather Means Fall Has Arrived!
The cooler weather has arrived, and stores are displaying their pumpkins, gets me in the mood for Fall! I love this time of the year. My kitties have been dashing and scampering around the house for the past couple of weeks! They get quite excited about weather changes. I have to re-phrase that, because they are not particularly fond of thunderstorms. How can anyone not be excited when the oppressive humid, hot Texas summer days and nights are suddenly swept away by the northern winds? Greetings Fall! Thanks for coming knocking on my door!
Posted by
7:02 PM
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
If I Don't Write Now...It Will Soon Be 2011!!
I did not realize my last posting was Dec. 2009, so thought I better jump in here and update things a bit before another year goes by. April was a busy month for me with 3 trips to the emergency room. My first trip to the ER found that I have anemia and my hemoglobin and hematocrit levels were at critical levels. I was admitted into the hospital and recieved 3 blood transfusions. They said my Hgb was 7.0 something, so my blood levels were seriously depleted, and they wondered how I was managing to function with my levels so low. I also found out that I have gall stones, and have had three gallstone attacks. Currently my pcp is trying to determine the cause of my anemia....why did it drop so low and not rebound like it should normally for a person of my age/gender. Am pending results of recent blood work. I am delighted to be able to say that my energy levels are back up and running. So for your viewing pleasure this is a picture of 1 pint of blood....approximately 473 ml....or 1/2 a liter of soda!! And I had to have 3 pints. According to MedicineNet,
"Functionally, hemoglobin is the key chemical compound that combines with oxygen from the lungs and carries the oxygen from the lungs to cells throughout the body. Oxygen is essential for all cells in the body to produce energy."
Posted by
9:51 PM
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Just got home from the Cinemark theatre and what an awesome heart warming movie to see! Way to go Hollywood, Sandra Bullock, Tim McGraw! This is the best movie I have seen in a while! Just loved watching how just reaching out and helping someone can make such a tremendous impact in the lives around us! Based on a true story too. Thank you for changing their lives....No, thank you for changing My life! What can I do for the people around me?
Posted by
8:39 PM
Labels: "Sandra Bullock", "The Blind Side", "Tim McGraw"
Sunshine and happy days
Oh what a delight it is to have ones' spot in the sunshine! How content I am when I am in my perfect spot, relishing in the moment, not wanting it to fade away. The spirit of patience knowing that if one waits long enough they will have the best spot! Only happy thoughts pass through this mind. You will not find unhappiness on this tower today. May dreamers dream, sleepers sleep, and sunshine shine!
Posted by
3:53 PM
Sunday, August 23, 2009
No News Is Good News
So it was pointed out to me by a good friend that I have not posted in a I thought I would briefly update my status in life. Considering what all I went through at the beginning my adventures of becoming a first time homebuyer, I actually think no news is good news! I am really enjoying living in my new house, my neighborhood is just one of the most amazing experiences ever. I have the most coolest parks near to my house that I drive to and feed the ducks, blue heron, fish, squirrels, blue jays, etc...There are mother ducks strolling with their babies, people on bicycle built for two, etc. There are also horses and a llama farm nearby as well. One of my neices was over visiting recently and said she saw 2 hummingbirds out in my backyard, so I am really excited about that. I am eagerly awaiting there return.
Posted by
8:37 PM